Monday, November 7, 2011

Onset Of Fall

Well, that time of year has started...the beginning of fall and the soon onset of winter. The mower has been put away, the sheds cleaned out, and the leaves are falling from the trees. And as much as we would love to not have it (most of us anyway) the snow will be falling and turning our grass into a blanket of snow. So now is a time to reflect on the past year, and think about the upcoming months.

This year has been hard, emotionally anyway, for me. Loss is hard to get over, and sometimes I don't believe you every actually do totally get over it, you just try to survive. That is where I am. A thought, a smell, a photo brings back all the pain. Only time will see how much better it gets. But on to other things
I haven't written for a while. Been busy with a lot of things. I look at my list on the refrigerator, and some things are marked off...some are not...and many will be added to the new list that will get started with the turning of the new calendar. Always something to do.

Looking ahead, well that is something that is a mixed set of feelings. Christmas has been celebrated with my best friend, and now that is over....hard to think of her not being there. But I can only do so much...

Our family has so much trouble all of us getting together that we only have 1 holiday gathering. Our plans are hope that everyone gets off, gets there, and that the weather cooperates and we have a great time, like we do most years...and no guys, a cirlce does not mean grapevine..stop cheating!! It does make for happy memories and good times teasing for years to come.

One of the more recent holiday celebrations involves....the story box. My friend Drena does the most magnificant stories and tales. And every season she does a story, incorporating members of my "axe murdering group". She sends little gifts to be opened during the reading of the story. And makes it so much fun. But the best part...she makes each person the star, the hero, the one who "gets the guy" in the end. But even better...she lets us know that she really cares about us. That we are not alone, no matter what. That someone will always remember us and want to be a part of our lives. That this set of misfits now do belong to something that surrounds us, draws us together, and gives us a feeling of home even when we all live so far apart.

Christmas is all about love. The love of our family, the love of our friends, and the greatest love, the love of our Heavenly Father. What could be a better way to celebrate the season.

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