Thursday, July 14, 2011

Makes me wonder

Hi all, and hope everyone (my one or two readers, lol) are doing well and managing to stay cool in this unusual weather we are having right now. Boy, the weather must be taking something, cause it just can't make up its mind what it wants to do. First hot than cold, than hot again, than cool, now headed into the hot. I for one am not going to complain too much, cause I like it hot and am not looking forward to winter returning again. But I do have a new front door and storm door compliments of the wonderful assistance from my son and daughter in law (I paid, they helped with the muscle) so hopefully the winter winds will stay outside where they belong.
This year has been a hard one, for many reasons. Like much of the country, the job outlook is bleak right now. And this is no different where I work. Cut backs, no raises (nope, no cost of living raise at all), hoping that they don't start laying off, and not being sure what next month is going to bring makes it hard to have a good outlook for the future. Listening to the news doesn't help. Do the people in Washington not realize how hard it is for the working class these days? They have their safe and secure (until the next election) jobs and than tell us we need to give more and have less? Please, get real...the working class is supporting this country, everyone else needs to buck up and help.
Those that have followed this blog (yep, meaning you one or two) have read about my lost friendship. That hasn't changed either and that is hard to deal with. But as I have no choice, will make the best of the situation. But it makes me they even think about me? Wish they had done something differently? Miss what we had? Or have they just put it out of their minds and are now happier with their new "best friends?" I will never know, but it does make me wonder.
Which brings me to....what makes someone think they can determine what is best for someone else? I recently read a blog, and by reading I could tell the writer was being very judgmental about someone else, and "looking down their noses" at a person/group of people. Do you make yourself feel better about something if you do this? Does it clear your conscious to say these things? Or are you just thinking you know better? I don't know the answer to any of these questions, but my mind does reflect on them a lot. And I think that maybe you need to examine yourself a little bit more before you say such things. He who is without sin....may be a phrase that should be remembered a little bit more often and followed. Can we ever advance as a person, let alone a nation unless we become more accepting of others, and realize that we don't know it all, in spite of what we may think. And karma does have a way of coming back to bite you when you least expect it. I truly believe that what goes around comes around, so you should always be prepared. Or best yet, don't say what hurts others. Because it does, even if you don't want to admit it.
And to the other reader (not you two, that other one) I hope that you remember what hurting feels like, because Karma will come back around, and it will be a bitter pill to swallow.
And I know this probably doesn't make any sense, but it made me feel better, so am glad I wrote it!
Stay cool and have a wonderful rest of the month!

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