Sunday, May 8, 2011

New season, old feelings

I think that it is finally here, spring. The sun has been shining, the breeze warm, and the snow! This time of year is about renewal. New baby animals are born, along with new human babies. The flowers bloom, the grass grows, and the frogs start their season long croaking. The windows are open, the air flows in, and the stale from winter is blown out to mix with the fresh spells of spring. The world seems fresh and new again.
Like others, I have been working outside as much as possible. Moving growing flowers, adding new flowers, and reworking old flower beds. Making things look fresh and imagining what the flowers will look like in one or two months from now. Opening the BBQ grill and getting ready to throw on all the old favorites. I look forward to watching my grandsons fish in the pond, and wait to hear about my granddaughter's trip to Europe. Makes you think that life doesn't get any better than this.
But in it all, I am dealing with the loss of my friendship. I wrote about it earlier. And hate that it has not improved, and is gone forever. Any new friendships will be tempered with regret for this loss, and will never reach the depths that was previously known. But now, it is worse. Because it is effecting my child. Today I spoke with my daughter, who expresses her feelings about the situation. How disappointed she is, and how this person turned out to not be the person she thought she was. You see, my daughter grew up thinking of this person as her aunt, and loved her dearly. And, due to this has also lost someone close to her. And this person is missing out on all that my daughter has to offer. And that is sad.
So in this season of new, I still feel the hurt of losing the old. How sad it is to throw away a life time of friendship. Knowing that it is gone, like the residue of old flowers in the flower beds, brings a sadness that will never be lifted. So bring on the flowers, start the grills, and spell the first roses of the season, and don't pay attention to when I become quiet, as I am just remembering part of the old.

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