Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Getting Started

In this day and age of high-tech and advancing ideas, I am a person riding both sides of the fence. I love gadgets....computers, mp3 players, creating DVDs, and working on websites. I enjoy doing videos for family and friends that mean more than the pictures contained inside each one. But I also enjoy the old-school ideas....writing letters, and creating crafts that are special and unique to the person it is being created for in celebration of a special occasion. So many people go for the store bought items, which can sometimes involve about 30 seconds to decide. That is just not my style.
Several of my friends have started to do blogs, and I so enjoy reading them, that I decided to get off the fence and advance a bit more towards the tech side, and so have started this blog. How long it will continue, that remains to be seen. But here it goes. (And girls, it is all your fault for encouraging this writing thing..lol)
Your past is responsible for your present, and what you do today will create your future. The old folks remember a time when things were so different, and the young folks can't imagine a future without all the latest that the world has to offer. Is either one right or wrong? Depends on which side you are sitting.  It all has to do with what you do with it that counts.
I have been privileged to raise 2 amazing kids, both of which I am enormously proud. They are both wonderful people who are productive and caring, and have amazing futures. And they have married some incredible people (even though we have had our disagreements and arguments) of which I am also very proud. Both have started families and care for them and are role models for their kids, which will help keep them on the right path.
What does this have to do with the above paragraph? Well, everything. When you are young, you wish for everything....you want the house and the car and the clothes, the job that pays super well, and all the perks that go along with it. And often, you are not able to obtain these, and frequently see yourself a failure. When you are older, you often sit and remember what you didn't achieve in your time, and again frequently see yourself a failure. And I say again, it is what you do with your life that counts.
Last week, my youngest grandson was not able to go to daycare, and stayed with me for the day. Let me tell you, there is nothing like seeing life through a child's eyes. Putting on the boots to go feed the horse, pulling the "weeds" in the flower beds, bending down to smell the flowers. But the most incredible....hearing him say...what you doing Nam-ma, over and over again. Seeing that face break into a grin. Hearing him rattle over and over, than stop and turn his head and smile, and say Hi Nam-ma. Love from a child is so unconditional, so special, something to be treasured. And if you have that kind of love, can you ever be a failure?
People come and go out of your life. Friends you have had for years walk away, making you wonder. You change jobs, addresses, cars. Sometimes even spouses. Life will never be easy, or fair. And you may never achieve all or even part of your goals. But, if when you breathe your last, you can look back and know that you were loved by a child, that you made a difference in even one person's life, that you raised children that you are proud of, I say that you have achieved the greatest goal ever, and that you were a winner in life.


  1. Whew! You put a LOT of thoughts into your first blog posting.

    I like your focus on how much the love of a child can mean in one's life.

  2. Well, guess if it was worth doing, might as well put some thought into it, and I do have a lot of time to think...lol
    A child is about the purest thing next to God's face, so how can it not have such an impact on one's life? Children are definitely God's gift to us.
